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Engagement -Incentivization Policies

It's human nature: no one likes to be told that they are poor drivers, and few like to change entrenched habits. But incentives, rewards and "friendly competitions" make it easier - and even fun - to make the effort, especially when we know that increased safety is in our own best interest.


It's worth repeating: every driver, given correct incentives and instruction, can become a "green" driver.  


To encourage the process, many companies set aside modest sums of money to use as prizes and incentives for safe driving performance. Even small programs are often effective for getting drivers engaged, transforming the question from “Why should I take part?” to "How can I improve my performance and get the prize?"


Examples of reward schemes that have been successful include:

Note: All reward schemes require drivers / team members to have used driver identification on every trip driven.


  • Lowest scoring driver / team member in a calendar month – cash/voucher

  • All green drivers / team members with a minimum number of driving hours – entry into a drawing for a prize

  • Safety Score – incorporated into existing staff appraisal schemes

  • Most improved driver / team member in a calendar month – cash/voucher

  • Monthly accrual of “Green Points” – paid at the end of the year 


Most drivers change their driving behavior rapidly as a result of using GreenRoad and these reward/acknowledgment programs.



Although most drivers are happy to "follow the rules", you should have a full enforcement policy ready to ensure the success of your GreenRoad project in the face of uncooperative individuals. Some examples of policies you may want to institute include:

  • A requirement that drivers use their driver identification or check into their mobile app at the beginning of each and every trip. 

  • Defined consequences for vandalizing GreenRoad devices (sometimes carried out to block monitoring)

  • Charging drivers for the loss of their driver identification tags




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