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Live Idling (GreenRoad Edge™) 

Idling Event - Real Time Alert   


In the ongoing struggle to reduce operational costs, a key concern for fleet managers is reducing idling.  When vehicles are kept running while stationary, they waste fuel needlessly.   Cutting down on idling is often one of the quickest ways that managers can trim fleet operating expenses.   


GreenRoad provides insightful data about the historical idling rates of each driver and vehicle allowing managers to effectively reduce operational cost.


The system includes a feature where managers can receive real time alerts about idling events that exceed the idling duration set by the management.

Using this alert, managers can easily identify the relevant drivers and make immediate informed decisions to curb idling-related costs.  




The ‘Idling Event’ alert is a derivative of the existing functionality of the ‘Idling Event Severity’ settings: 


  1. Login to Central™ and go to the Admin tab. Select the Policy view. 

  2. The settings of ‘Idling Event Severity’ thresholds can be found in the specific Idling view (there is no need to change the existing settings to activate the alert): 


a.   The yellow threshold triggers an idling event and is configured to overlook situations that may resemble idling but are not, such as stopping at a red light. Idling events that fall within the duration range of the yellow threshold (but below the red threshold), will be categorized and displayed as yellow idling events within the system.

For example, if the yellow threshold begins at 5 minutes; the system will only categorize the session as an idling event after a continuous idling duration of 5 minutes.

The ‘Idling Event’ alert is customizable to initiate an alert X minutes after the idling event commences, based on the yellow threshold.  
For example, if the yellow threshold is set to 15 minutes and as a manager, I would like to receive an alert 5 minutes after the idling event begins, the alert will be sent after 20 minutes of idling.  

b.     The red threshold is used to classify extended idling events. If a red event for instance initiates at 10 minutes; the system will categorize and display idling events as red once the continuous idling duration has reached 10 minutes. 


How do I set up the Idling Event Alert in Central™? 


To setup the ‘Idling Event’ alert, follow the instructions below: 

1.     Login to Central™ and go to the Admin tab. 

2.     Navigate to the Alerts view. 

3.     Choose the ‘Idling Event’ alert and configure it based on your preferences: 


a.     Specify the trigger for the alert: Indicate the number of minutes after the commencement of an idling event, for the alert to be sent to managers. 
For example, set the alert to trigger 5 minutes after an idling event has been detected.    

b.     Alert Name (optional): Rename the alert to a more specific name if needed.  
For example, Kings Cross Idling Alert. 

c.     Decide whether to apply the alert to sub-OUs or to limit it to the root account (the organization’s highest OU).   

d.     Communication methods: Select whether you want the alert to be delivered via email or as a ToDo task (visible under the ToDo tab).  

e.     Recipients: Specify who should receive the alerts - all managers or designated ones.    

f.      Save your configuration. 























With these settings in place, you’re all set!  
Whenever an On Duty driver idles for longer than you’ve specified, the system will automatically send alerts to the relevant parties.  
Note: The 'Idling event' alert specifically pertains to instances when drivers are in the 'On Duty' mode, and it does not include idling events occurring when the driver is set to 'Personal' or 'Passenger' duty modes.


Where can I see the data about the ‘Live Idling Alert’? 


In addition to the Alerts section, the ‘Idling Event’ alert (if activated and triggered) will also appear in the following tabs:  

·       Locations – ‘Idling Event’ alerts will be listed in the table view, along with all other relevant alerts.  

·       Reporting - ‘Idling Event’ alerts will be listed in the Alerts log report, along with other relevant alerts.  



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