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GreenRoad Drive™ - Extreme Events

The ‘Extreme Event’ feature highlights exceptional breaking events that are likely a near crash or potentially an accident identified by our devices.  
These are the types of events that call out for investigation and analysis to ensure they will not repeat themselves in the future.   


What are the benefits? 


Identifying on a company\team level all near\actual accident suspects. 

For managers, this feature provides impactful insights that will enable rapid response, whether in terms of preventative intervention or post-accident procedures.  

Statistics regarding Extreme Events help managers identify the fleet’s highest risk drivers and most problematic locations, helping them focus their training activities and interventions.  


How does it work? 


Extreme Events are “Red” breaking events whose g-forces are above a particularly high severity threshold.  

This feature is under an add-on and can be opened by request to support.  


Where can I see Extreme Events in Central™? 


Extreme Events will be displayed in the following Central™ tabs: 

  1. Dashboard tab - a new Extreme Event widget  is available, presenting the number of Extreme Events recorded per week for the past 7 weeks. 

  2. Reporting and Trip History tabs - Extreme Events will be tracked separately from “regular” Red events. 

  3. Safety Score – an extreme break can be a lifesaving event and not necessarily a wrong behavior of a driver therefore it has the same impact on Safety Scores as other breaking events.  


Where can I see Extreme Events in the DRIVE™ App? 


Extreme Events will be displayed in the App in the following tabs: 

  1. Dashboard tab - a new Extreme Event widget is available, presenting the total number of Extreme Events recorded last week. 

  2. Trip summary – Extreme Events is added to the tab, similar to other safety events. 



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