Alerts Tab

The system offers several types of alerts, each relevant for different use cases:
Fleet Speed event – when a vehicle or driver exceeds the fleet speed by a defined threshold for more than a minimum amount of time
Landmark Fleet Speed event- when a vehicle or driver exceeds the landmark speed by a defined threshold for more than a minimum amount of time
Location event – when a vehicle or driver is located inside or outside of a specific landmark for more than defined time, or at an irregular time of day
Odd Hours event – when a vehicle or driver drives at an unusual time of day, or exceeds the allowed driving time
Posted Speed event – when a vehicle or driver exceeds the posted speed by a defined threshold for more than the required time
Safety event – when a vehicle or driver performs a defined safety event (yellow or red) above a certain speed
Vehicle health – when one of the vehicle faults is sensed
Idling events- real time alert on idling events that exceed the idling duration set by the management. For more information on how to setup this alert Click Here OU)
The alerts are grouped by the types presented above. The number in brackets next to the alert type indicates the number of active alerts that have been set up within that category. Clicking on the heading displays all the existing alerts.
For each alert, you can configure the following parameters:
Real-time alerts can be reported to a list of recipients as well as to the driver, either via email or as a task in the ToDo tab. To activate this capability, define whether or not the alert applies to sub-units, and set up the list of desired recipient.